About the Artist

"I am an artist, and I paint what I imagine, what I feel, what's in my mind. That's what it is to be an artist."
Richard Luce has had his paintings featured in movies, television specials, numerous book and magazine covers as well as articles. He has also had a collector plate series by the Franklin Mint as well as a collector series by The Hamilton Collection. He has attended numerous trade fairs and primitive rendezvous over the years to get a first hand knowledge of what it felt like to live in that part of history. Camping in his own Tipi, wearing the clothes and smelling the wood smoke gives him the insight to portray his subjects accurately. Which is something he always strives to do.
Each Luce painting is unique, different from the last, or the next. Singly, and as a group, they stand as a tribute to his enthusiasm and love both for painting and for the America he loves.

Since 2006 he has been a participant in the annual recreation of the march the Overmountain Men made to the Battle of Kings Mountain in 1780. He has to date created 7 original paintings depicting different stages of that historic event. An event that ultimately led to our nation's independence.
Richard presently lives in Crestwood, KY, with his wife Lea Ann and their dog "Tilly" and continues to do what he was born to do and hopes others find escape and pleasure while viewing his work. Anyone wishing to contact Mr. Luce can do so by writing, phoning or e-mail at the address below :
Richard Luce
4801 N. Camden Lane
Crestwood, KY 40014
(502) 241- 7046
Email richardluce@twc.com
Commissions are considered.
Note: Canvas Giclee prints can be made proportionally larger or smaller than the stated size. Call for pricing.
Selected Articles / Books / Awards / Shows:
170+ Limited Print Editions published to date
Collector Plate Series published by The Franklin Mint
Collector Sculpture Series published by The Hamilton Collection
Two Paintings used in TV Series titled “The Real West”, Myths and Legends Episode
1984 Muzzle Blast Magazine, April Cover
1987 Best of Show, Wildlife and Western Art Exhibit and Sale, Minneapolis, MN.
1990 The Artist Magazine, Wildlife Painting Competition finalist
1992 True West Magazine, September Cover
1993 US Art Magazine, March
1993 Elected membership to The Living History Hall of Fame
1993 Charles Russell Art Show, Great Falls, MT.
1997 Alamo Almanac and Book of Lists, Cover
1999 Who’s Who National Registry
1999 Art of the American West, Rockport Publishers
2001,2002 Southwest Classic Exhibition, Kerrville, TX.
2002 Wild West Magazine, February Issue
2002 The Encyclopedia of War and Weaponry, Stuart Murray, Watts Publishers
2005 Oil Painter’s of America National Exhibit
2005 The Fur Trade and Rendezvous of the Green River Valley, Museum of the Mountain Men, Publishers
2006 Greasy Grass Magazine published by Custer Battlefield Historical Assoc.
2006 Research and Review published by Little Big Horn Assoc.
2007 True West Magazine, October Issue
2017 Original paintings, prints and artifacts used in movie titled "JL Family Ranch" Hallmark Movies and Mysteries
2019 The Strategy of Defeat at The Little Bighorn, Cover, Frederic Wagner 111
2023 Guns of the old West Winter 2024
* National and International Private Collections
Blair Keller Historical Center Museum. Abingdon, Virginia
Sycamore Shoals State Historic Center Museum. Elizabethton, Tennessee
University of Texas Austin. Longhorn Art Series
Pitney Bowes
Luria Steel and Trading
SEI Investments
New England Dairies
Weilwood Inc.
Hummel Products
Great Northern Papers
Union Carbide
Olan Corporation
Stockyards Hotel, Ft. Worth, TX.
Museum of the Mountain Men, Pinedale, WY.
State University of New York, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Custer Battlefield Museum, Garryowen, MT.
The Alamo, San Antonio, TX
Kings Mountain National Battlefield Park, SC.
Burke County Historical Society, Morganton, NC.

Richard's tipi at home

Old West Days Mckee, KY.

Richard with musician Dusty Hill of ZZ top fame in front of the 40x60 oil titled "The Price Of Freedom" commissioned by Dusty Hill in the Austin Gallery, Austin, TX.
Richard with Fess Parker of Davy Crockett TV fame at the Alamo museum in San Antonio, TX. Richard presented his historical painting "The Price of Freedom" to be displayed in the Alamo. Fess Parker donated the original Kentucky Long Rifle that he used in the television series.

The March to Kings Mountain
" Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom."
John Adams
The annual march to Kings Mountain started in 1975 and continues to this day. Each year a group of men and women dressed in period attire recreate the 330 mile march taken by a volunteer "army" of private citizens in the fall of 1780. The men rose up in response to a threat by Major Patrick Ferguson of the British army to burn their homes and hang their leaders if they did not desist in their opposition to the British authority.
A call to arms went out to Militias around the countryside who then decided to rendezvous at the Sycamore Shoals on the Watauga River to begin their pursuit of Major Ferguson's 1100 man Tory force. Other Militias joined them along the way eventually swelling their numbers to 1800 men although only 910 would be fit enough to actually fight in the battle.
After two weeks of riding through rain and snow, crossing many rivers and with very little food the Overmountain Men finally caught up with Major Ferguson's force on Kings Mountain. The battle started on October 7th at 3:00 pm and by 4:05 pm it was all over. Major Ferguson was dead and his entire command was either killed, wounded or captured. The Overmountain Men suffered 28 killed and 62 wounded.
When Major General Charles Cornwallis heard of the total annihilation of 1/3rd of his army he quickly abandoned his drive northward and retreated. He never again attained the momentum he had before Kings Mountain to invade the Northern Colonies and surround General Washington thus ending the rebellion. The war ended in total victory for the Americans a little over a year later at Yorktown.
The battle of Kings Mountain was nothing short of a miracle which happened at a low ebb of America's quest for independence. It was indeed a turning point that must not be forgotten, but told over and over which is what the Overmountain Victory Trail Association has done for the last 42 years.
I am proud to be a part of that effort. Last year the OVTA told that story to over 12,000 people, many of which were school children. They came away with a good understanding of what the American Spirit can accomplish if we all come together to fight the unending battle against tyranny. It is our aim to instill a sense of pride and respect in these children for not only the founding fathers of our country but also the fighting fathers who won our independence with their sweat and blood.

The OVTA participated in the opening ceremony of the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia on April 19, 2017.